Animals Cities Close-up & macro Parks and sceenery

City of Rotterdam

Rotterdam skyline
Rotterdam skyline 2 (Kralingse Plas)
Rotterdam skyline 3
Rotterdam ‘Maasbruggen”
Erasmusbridge, over river ‘ Maas’ and ‘Euromast’
Rotterdam Erasmusbridge, nicknamed ‘The Swan”
Rotterdam, that’s why the bridge is nicknamed ‘The Swan’
Rotterdam- close-up Erasmusbrige
Rotterdam, the tows of the Erasmusbridge
Rotterdam. Looking it this way, the ‘Swan’ could also have been named ‘The Harp”.
Rotterdam, ‘The Swan’ in yellow.
Rotterdam, Erasmus bridge by night.
Rotterdam, proud of it’s ‘Swan’, as of its entire city
Rotterdam, old and new buildings join along the river ‘de Maas’.
Rotterdam, Theatre ‘Luxor’ by evening.
reaching for the top …

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